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Title: WHY YOU ARE - Your Universal Reality, A Roadmap to Discovering Who You Were Meant to Be
Author: Dianne McCaughey, Ph. D.
Publisher: Book It! Publishing (December 2015)
Paperback: 221 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1519617736
Retail Price: $14.95 Paperback
WE ALL HAVE CHOICES IN LIFE. When faced with adversity, we can either choose to sit back and let it damage us spiritually, emotionally, and physically, or we can take our power back and use it to become the person we were meant to be. WHY YOU ARE: Your Universal Reality gives you a roadmap of life's journeys and will help you address questions about the origins of your own unique coming into being.
PERSONAL WELLNESS CONSULTANT DIANNE McCAUGHEY, Ph.D., gives you the spiritual, intellectual, and psychological tools necessary to deal with the ups and downs of life including scientific research, personal experiences, and insights. Dr. McCaughey reveals how various methods of discipline and parenting cause us to be who we are and focuses on how genes, lifestyle, and our environment within the womb also create a piece to the puzzle of our existence. In addition, she discusses birth order, our gender, and the gender of our siblings to show the impact on our inner child, which is often "wounded." It is the healing of this inner child that paves the way to awakening. This passage toward wisdom and enlightenment is a dynamic, continual realization of oneself. WHY YOU ARE: Your Universal Reality will inspire and motivate you to seek your personal truth. Let the journey begin!
“Why You Are (Your Universal Reality) explains how many of us create artificial personalities to hide who we really are. These phoney identities grow to be who we think we are, and we misplace our genuine character. Unless restored, this false-self drives our destiny. This book gives you insightful ways to understand and heal many aspects of your true self. Take the risk to find out not only who you have become but who you really are.”
- Bettina Borg, Danish author of both, Healthy Now and Younger Next Year
Long Form Bio
Dianne McCaughey Ph.D. is an award winning fitness specialist with 30+ years experience in personal training, group exercise, coaching, and post-rehabilitation. She is a master trainer for multiple companies including the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She practices and teaches optimal wellness emphasizing the mind, body and spirit. With a Ph.D. concentration in gerontology, Dianne most enjoys working with special populations emphasiszing posture, gait, balance and corrective exercise programs for better function and health.
Dianne is an international speaker, author, consultant, master trainer and presenter who has traveled the world touching lives. Her mission and purpose is to educate, inspire and empower people to be the best they can be. In addition, she is an international corporate and private seminar facilitator for personal growth, empowerment, and team building where some of her previous clients included Hewlett Packard and the United Nations.
Short Form Bio
Dianne McCaughey Ph.D. is an award winning fitness specialist with 30+ years experience in personal training, group exercise, coaching, and post-rehabilitation. She is a master trainer for multiple companies including the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She practices and teaches optimal wellness emphasizing the mind, body and spirit. With a Ph.D. concentration in gerontology, Dianne most enjoys working with special populations emphasiszing posture, gait, balance and corrective exercise programs for better function and health.
“In today’s world, looking and feeling younger is what society wants! Younger Longer ties together the key concepts on how to train for old age through functional exercises, corrective exercises, and proper body mechanics. In my practice as a chiropractor, I am always looking for tools and information to help my patients. This book is a must have for staying young, mobile, and injury free.”
- Kurt Barnhill, D.C.
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Suggested Introduction for
Dianne McCaughey
DIANNE McCAUGHEY Ph.D., is an international speaker, author, consultant, and award winning fitness specialist with 30+ years experience in personal training, group exercise and coaching. She is a master trainer for multiple companies including the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She practices teaching optimal wellness of the mind, body and spirit. In addition, Dianne is a personal growth and team building workshop facilitator and some of her previous clients include Hewlett Packard and the United Nations.
Other Books By Dianne McCaughey
Title: Getting Younger Living Longer, Functional Fitness to Renew Your Strength, Balance, and Energy for Your Best Years Yet
Author: Dianne McCaughey, Ph. D.
Publisher: Book It! Publishing (December 2015)
Paperback: 69 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1519479136
Retail Price: $9.95 Paperback
Exercise should support the things you are really passionate about doing…for the rest of your life. Functional Fitness is a unique fitness methodology designed with long-term lifestyle needs in mind. In the end, it really comes down to helping you do the things you need to do the stuff you enjoy doing, and those things you dream or hope to do with greater ease, enjoyment, and less pain.
In Getting Younger Living Longer, you’ll discover why “older adult” and “senior fitness” programs are simply not well designed and often rather dysfunctional with respect to the aging process. You’ll also discover our fitness programs are fun and don’t take a huge amount of time! Let’s be honest. You want a fitness program that is short, simple, and allows you to pursue life with more energy, strength, and passion.
Getting Younger Living Longer contains proven techniques to decrease pain, increase your strength, and improve your balance at any age or functional level.