Dianne McCaughey Ph.D.
International Speaker, Author, Consultant, and Award Winning Fitness Specialist
Ph.D. Concentration in Gerontology, Union Institute and University; M.A.P.E. Physical Education and B.S. Physical Education, University of Florida; ACE Gold Personal Trainer; AFAA Group Exercise Instructor; NSCA Personal Trainer; AAFP Medical Specialist; IDEA Master Personal Trainer; AFAA Senior Fitness Instructor, and NIHS Senior Fitness Specialist

WHY YOU ARE - Your Universal Reality
A Roadmap to Discovering Who You Were Meant to Be
WE ALL HAVE CHOICES IN LIFE. When faced with adversity, we can either choose to sit back and let it damage us spiritually, emotionally, and physically, or we can take our power back and use it to become the person we were meant to be. WHY YOU ARE: Your Universal Reality gives you a roadmap of life's journeys and will help you address questions about the origins of your own unique coming into being.
PERSONAL WELLNESS CONSULTANT DIANNE McCAUGHEY, Ph.D., gives you the spiritual, intellectual, and psychological tools necessary to deal with the ups and downs of life including scientific research, personal experiences, and insights. Dr. McCaughey reveals how various methods of discipline and parenting cause us to be who we are and focuses on how genes, lifestyle, and our environment within the womb also create a piece to the puzzle of our existence. In addition, she discusses birth order, our gender, and the gender of our siblings to show the impact on our inner child, which is often "wounded." It is the healing of this inner child that paves the way to awakening. This passage toward wisdom and enlightenment is a dynamic, continual realization of oneself. WHY YOU ARE: Your Universal Reality will inspire and motivate you to seek your personal truth. Let the journey begin!
Other Books By Dianne McCaughey
Functional Fitness to Renew Your Strength, Balance, and Energy for Your Best Years Yet
Exercise should support the things you are really passionate about doing…for the rest of your life. Functional Fitness is a unique fitness methodology designed with long-term lifestyle needs in mind. In the end, it really comes down to helping you do the things you need to do the stuff you enjoy doing, and those things you dream or hope to do with greater ease, enjoyment, and less pain.
In Getting Younger Living Longer, you’ll discover why “older adult” and “senior fitness” programs are simply not well designed and often rather dysfunctional with respect to the aging process. You’ll also discover our fitness programs are fun and don’t take a huge amount of time! Let’s be honest. You want a fitness program that is short, simple, and allows you to pursue life with more energy, strength, and passion.
Getting Younger Living Longer contains proven techniques to decrease pain, increase your strength, and improve your balance at any age or functional level.
Dianne McCaughey Ph.D. is an award winning fitness specialist with 30+ years experience in personal training, group exercise, coaching, and post-rehabilitation. She is a master trainer for multiple companies including the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She practices and teaches optimal wellness emphasizing the mind, body and spirit. With a Ph.D. concentration in gerontology, Dianne most enjoys working with special populations emphasiszing posture, gait, balance and corrective exercise programs for better function and health.
Dianne is an international speaker, author, consultant, master trainer and presenter who has traveled the world touching lives. Her mission and purpose is to educate, inspire and empower people to be the best they can be. In addition, she is an international corporate and private seminar facilitator for personal growth, empowerment, and team building where some of her previous clients included Hewlett Packard and the United Nations.
Hire Dianne McCaughey Ph.D. to Speak on Health, Wellness or Personal Performance
Award-Winning Fitness Specialist, Speaker, Author, Consultant, Master Trainer and Presenter
Speaking Engagements, Corporate Training, and Adventure Workshops
As an international fitness, teambuilding, and empowerment presenter and consultant for the past 15 years, Dianne enjoys enlightening audiences about health for their mind, body, and spirit. With over 30 years of teaching and coaching experience, her mission is to educate, inspire, and empower people of all ages to be the best they can be. Self-acceptance, rather than perfection is an exciting discovery process and her role is to be your guide. The adventure includes: exercise, healthy eating, tools for developing and maintaining a positive outlook, and strategies for finding excitement and passion in everyday activities. Invite Dianne to create the courage to allow your audience to step outside their comfort zone and become who they were meant to be.
Programs specifically designed to meet the needs of clients:
• Team Building
• Synergy
• Time Management
• Paradigm Shifts
• Employee Relations
• Communication Skills
• Self Discovery
• Dream Building
• Personal Potential
• Personal Empowerment
• Self-Efficacy
• Why You Are – Your Universal Reality Book Signing
• Nutrition and Wellness
• Fitness and Wellness
• Successful Aging
• Exercise Description
• Happier, healthier employees
• Satisfied customers and clients
• Higher company profit through more efficient employee production and less absenteeism
DIANNE McCAUGHEY Ph.D., is an award winning fitness specialist with 30+ years experience in personal training, group exercise, coaching, and post-rehabilitation. She is a master trainer for multiple companies including the Functional Aging Institute (FAI), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She practices and teaches optimal wellness emphasizing the mind, body and spirit. With a Ph.D. concentration in gerontology, Dianne most enjoys working with special populations emphasiszing posture, gait, balance and corrective exercise programs for better function and health.

For a complete media kit, click here.
Personal Growth, Team Building, and Wellness Consultant
"My mission is to educate, inspire, and empower people to be the best they can be."

Improve Employee Production
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the 10 leading causes of death in America are more a result of lifestyle than all other possible causes combined. Employees with healthy lifestyles cost their companies much less. Employees that are healthy and happy reduce their absenteeism and increase their productivity. The ability for an individual to be healthy is multifaceted and includes managing stress, being socially engaged and maintaining a high level of cognition and physical function. This will improve employee morale, decrease turnover and enhance recruiting and company image.

Team Building
A team is a group of individuals that work together for a common goal. The quality of the relationship - with ourselves, others, and the world around us – determines the quality of our lives. To the degree that we feel connected, we will also feel that our life has meaning. Knowing that we are connected and committed to each other gives both our lives more purpose. The team must have a common mission which defines what the team is there to do. It can have the feeling of a vision or be a statement of what is. It may also vary as to levels of specificity. The mission is the global reason for being, which then requires synergy frim individual commitment and the accomplishment of many specific performance goals.

Successful Aging
Successful aging is a result of a balanced exchange of energy between the individual and the social system in which the individual finds himself or herself. Having a purpose in life has been found to create a passion for life, and it gives meaning to life. Older individuals who still believe they can improve themselves need a sense of creative tension that cancels out depression and the lack of challenge that has been found to cause disease.
In a Harvard study, participants were asked to share what they believed were the benefits of pursuing wisdom and to identify rules for living well that they had gathered during their lifetimes Some of their suggestions included the following:
Be happy into old age.
Be confident.
Search for meaning.
Live life because it is worth living.
We must find what stimulates us to continue to grow and develop our better selves
Past clients include:
Hewlett Packard, United Nations, Xandari Plantation Spa and Resort
"Dianne specifically designed a 2-day teambuilding and personal development workshop for Hewlett Packard Consulting. The teambuilding resulted in the team coming together and being able to solve tasks faster than before. The personal development was well received and people are still talking about the final dream building exercise. Dianne made the 2 days a wonderful experience and the results were very clear. We would not hesitate to use Dianne in the future."
Hanne Taarup – Hewlett Packard – Denmark
"Dianne McCaughey’s professionalism, energy, organizational skills, and talents were impressive and beyond our expectations. All the participants were eager and inspired by the vacation, adventure, fitness, and personal growth program that Dianne conceived, designed, and implemented. Dianne was able to maneuver well in a foreign country as well as lead a very successful workshop with a diverse group of participants consisting of both men and women of diverse ages and backgrounds. She was also able to work with our staff well and with tact."
- Xandari Plantation Spa and Resort – Sherrill Broudy – Costa Rica
"I would like to thank Dianne very much for providing the UNOPS Division with an invaluable team building workshop in New York. My whole division has definitely grown closer as a result. It is a sign of the effectiveness of her training that to this day the “dream boards” remain prominently in display on the division walls and for that I thank her very much."
- United Nations- Michele Page – Office of Project Services – New York
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